Aside from the three main national unions existing in Colombia, there are also other unions wich represent workers from a particular economic sector, like the USO of the oil industry.
The other major sector union is FECODE (Federación Colombiana de Educadores, or Colombian Teachers Federation, official website:
There was a time during the 20th century where other sector unions and company's unions were very important as well, but now the three main national unions, (CTC, CGT and CUT, and now the UTRACUN), plus the sectorial USO and FECODE are the main organizations.
There is an estimate, that only 20% of Colombian workers is represented in these national unions, or Central, also because private companies also have their own unions, but these workers would loose benefits if they were to merge into any of these three main Centrals, because not only these Centrals support labor rights, but also may support political candidates, specially leftist candidates, coming mainly from the PDA (Polo Democrático Alternativo, or Alternative
Democratic Pole), which is the merger of AD and PDI parties.
Taken from:http://flagspot.net/flags/co%7Dtrade.html
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